Even without this unusual pandemic year, year-end is a perfect time to reflect, renew, and reinvigorate your marketing effort. Here are four important items to consider before the clock strikes 12:
- Reflect on the year. Look back over the goals and strategy you set for 2020 before you do the same for 2021. What has worked for you this year and what hasn’t? How did the challenges of 2020 impact your business and how can you further adapt?
- Re-evaluate digital. Is your customer’s digital experience with you seamless? Is the online journey easy to pursue? Do links work? Make sure language is easy to understand and clear directions make user experience as fluid as possible.
- Reduce. Decrease the number of marketing initiatives you plan to undertake next year and focus on quality instead of quantity. What is the top priority for this coming year? Be sure to focus funds and team bandwidth accordingly.
- Reassess and renew. Some marketing priorities change from year to year, but your dedication to connecting with your audience stays the same. Renew your commitment by reassessing where and how best to reach them. If they are active online, be sure to focus resources on key digital components such as website redesign, social media, paid media, online profile optimization, software and support.
For details on how we can set you up for marketing success in 2021 no matter what your budget, please contact us via our website, Facebook or email bbrand@brandmarkstudios.com.