The Popular Kid on the Marketing Block: Podcasting! | Brandmark Studios - Ridgefield, CT

Hitting The Mark

Content marketing, an essential part of any strategic marketing plan, refers to the creation and distribution of “valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” Strong and unique content, in the form of educational articles, e-books, podcasts, videos, entertainment and webinars, must be specifically designed to appeal to prospective customers, grab their attention and answer questions they have.


While podcasts have been around for a while, marketers are waking up to the increasing value they can have as a core component in a marketing repertoire. In this article on Search Engine Watch, Georgi Todorov highlights podcasting’s key traits which have contributed to its rise in popularity recently:

  • Ability to tap new listener audiences
  • Ease of catering a specific message to an audience
  • Entertainment value
  • Cross medium potential – reinforce message across vehicles
  • Recognition as authority in field or trustworthy partner
  • SEO enhancement
  • Ease of use and implementation
  • Collaborative potential
  • Podcasting allows you to grow your business by gaining new attention from podcast listeners and people who prefer to listen to audio recordings. Todorov emphasizes that when thinking about podcasting, it is important to look at it as “a new content marketing channel,” and give your followers the captivating content they seek.

    Podcasting can be extremely useful to marketers if done correctly. The more content you have, the more important it is to showcase that content, and you can do that through all your different mediums. It is important to promote your podcast through your key marketing channels, where you interact with most of your consumers. This allows for your audience to become more aware of your new content. Need help? Contact Brandmark Studios for help with planning, storyboarding and launching your customized podcast. Happy podcasting!

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