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Hitting The Mark

June 22, 2011
Read Brian Solis, if you haven’t already
Solis offers great perspective on why businesses should be increasingly social. Read full story
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April 18, 2011
Thumbs Together
David Carr, NY Times media journalist, writes with an astute and humorous perspective about society’s not-so-deft handling of people physically being together, yet being apart with […]
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April 14, 2011
Check out Social Media Examiner’s Top Ten Social Media Blogs for 2011
Top 10 Social Media Blogs: The 2011 Winners! Social media is a big subject. If you’re looking for some reliable places to go for the best […]
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April 8, 2011
Sticky Albert
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein I must admit I stole this quote.  Not just […]
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