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Hitting The Mark

April 6, 2020
You’re cancelled!
Today’s cancel culture calls out brands or personalities for behavior considered unacceptable and it can stifle marketing initiatives if businesses aren’t attentive to it. The fact […]
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December 12, 2019
Time to take digital stock
Is your marketing strategy meeting the challenges of our brave new digital world? With new technologies flooding the digital marketplace daily, it’s the wild west in […]
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November 21, 2019
Automation investigation: smart filtering of shiny semi-solutions
There’s no question that data and metrics are at the top of every marketer’s mind – – and it’s also an absolute truth that it is […]
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November 19, 2019
2020 Planning: Reflect, Re-evaluate, Reduce and Renew
Fourth Quarter is here, and it’s critical to proactively plan to end the year on a strong note so that you can use that momentum to […]
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