News & Blog | Brandmark Studios - Ridgefield, CT - Page 15

Hitting The Mark

January 20, 2014
4 Lessons You Can Learn from Super Bowl Ads
It’s January, and that means the Super Bowl is right around the corner. Even if you’re not a football fan, you’re probably tuning in on February […]
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December 18, 2013
5 Marketing Resolutions to Make in the New Year
The holidays are quickly approaching, and we at Brandmark Studios wish all of our clients and colleagues around the world a healthy and happy new year. […]
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November 17, 2013
4 Holiday Marketing Trends to Consider
It seems like every year, holiday promotions pop up in stores and online earlier and earlier; shoppers stocking up on Halloween candy could easily find them […]
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October 11, 2013
Plan Ahead – 10 Tips for 2014
Fall is a busy time of year and before we know it, the new year will be upon us. So now is a good time to […]
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